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New Genealogy Resources

We’ve added new resources to help with your genealogy and family history search. Find stories, photos, and personal documents of those who served with Fold3, and access over 4,000 newspapers dating from the early 1700s to the 2000s with

Visit our Genealogy page to find these databases, and to see a full list of genealogy and family history resources available through the Wheaton Public Library.

Curbside Service

Curbside service is available to Wheaton Public Library cardholders!


Curbside hours are:

Monday – Friday: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

Saturday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm


Program Update

Due to the current COVID surge, the Wheaton Public Library has decided to move many of our programs to a virtual setting. Some programs have been postponed or cancelled. For the most up-to-date information about our programs, please visit our online calendar.

Friends Paperback Sale

Fiction paperbacks are 10 for $1 at this pop-up sale.  The sale ends January 20 so come soon for the best selection!

You'll find racks of paperbacks next to the stairs on the main floor with a variety of fiction, mystery, romance, western, science fiction classics and fantasy to choose from.

Select your books then place your donation in the collection box located in the Book Nook.

Happy Reading!


2021 G.R.I.T. Awards

The G.R.I.T. Awards celebrate the Generosity, Resilience, Intelligence, and Teamwork of Wheaton Chamber of Commerce members. The library is so excited to have won the 2021 Exceptional Engagement Award at this year’s event. The library is also excited to share that Community Engagement Department Head, Courtney Tedrick, was one of a few who was recognized as a Partner in Progress at this year’s event.

Thank you to our staff and community for making this possible, and thank you again to the Wheaton Chamber of Commerce for these awards!