Whether you are a seasoned investor or a novice learning about investing basics, Wheaton Public Library has tools to help you succeed. Use your WPL library card to access industry-leading resources Morningstar and ValueLine.
Both Morningstar and ValueLine feature:
Expert analysis of stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, companies, industries, plus economies and markets
Financial news and insights
Screener tools to find stocks or funds to suit your investment needs and interests
College savings (529) plan comparisons (available in Morningstar)
Investing education tools, including basic courses, video tutorials, and how-to guides
The information available online is supplemented by these print investment resources:
CFRA’s The Outlook
The Kiplinger Letter
Morningstar Fund Investor
Morningstar Stock Investor
ValueLine Investment Survey
ValueLine Investment Survey Small & Mid-Cap
ValueLine Selection & Opinion
Find these newsletters in the reference area across from the 2nd Floor Adult Services Desk.
For help navigating any of these tools, please contact Adult Services at askref@wheatonlibrary.org or 630-868-7520.