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The Half Life of Valery K by Natasha Pulley

Loosely based on true events at a Russian nuclear facility in the 1960s, The Half Life of Valery K (2022) follows the story of a Russian nuclear scientist, pulled from a freezing gulag to lend his expertise to what seem to be human radiation trials at the mysterious City 40. Never sure who to trust and who to fear, he picks his way through a minefield of misinformation and mystery. 

Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen

Crossroads (2021) is the first novel I’ve read by Jonathan Franzen, an author who made a big splash when his first novel, The Corrections, was released, just over twenty years ago now. Franzen has gone on to write other popular novels (with single word titles), including Freedom and Purity, along with multiple essay collections.

Tin Man by Sarah Winman

Tin Man (2018) is a slim volume packed full with beauty and emotion. It's a story about love - young love, first love, friendship, hidden love, lost love and all the heartbreak that ensues. It's a coming-of-age story of two young boys who find solace in each other after the loss of and rejection from their parents. It's a bittersweet study of loneliness, grief and acceptance.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl (2012) by Gillian Flynn had been on my radar for a few years but once I finally paid it the attention it deserves I was glad I did! I liked it so much that when I finished, I immediately checked out the audiobook on Libby so I could listen to it with my spouse.

Book Review- Cheer Up: Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier, Val Wise

Cheer Up: Love and Pompoms is a heart lifting story about finding your voice, LGBTQ+ representation, friendship and love. This is a quick read with a happy ending. The character Anne wants to get into college and tries to find a way to become more involved in after school activities after a meeting with her guidance counselor. While Bebe is trying to figure out life after coming out and joining the cheerleading squad as the first transgender cheerleader. This graphic novel is a definite must read!

The Maid by Nita Prose

Molly Gray is an excellent hotel maid, completing her daily tasks by returning rooms to a “state of perfection.” She is less successful at connecting with people, struggling with social awkwardness and unkind coworkers. Her life changes dramatically when she discovers Mr. Black dead in his bed.