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Teen Book Review – The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Recently I read the book The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. In this book the main character, Hazel, is suffering from a type of lung cancer. In the beginning of the book she is depressed from living a life with a terminal illness. But throughout this book she progresses and grows in who she is and forms strong relationships. While this book is a romance, it is very beautifully written.

The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed

Grace is new in Prescott and plans to stay under the radar, but when she discovers the former occupant of her room, Lucy, was run out of town after accusing several (popular) boys at school of rape she’s finding it hard to stay quiet.

Rosina and Erin are the token freaks of school. Rosina is bogged down by responsibilities and expectations from her family and dealing with her crush on a cute cheerleader. Erin has Asperger’s  and is trying to compartmentalize her own past traumatic events.

Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin

Wolf by Wolf is an alternative history set in Europe (partially) in 1956. What if the Third Reich and Imperial Japan won World War II? What if the medical experiments performed on prisoners in death camps produced something almost supernatural?

The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma

This book is dark and weird, but if it hooks you it won’t let go. Part a psychological tale, part mystery, and a smattering of the paranormal, The Walls Around Us has been swirling around in my head since I closed it two days ago, and I want to force someone to read it just so I can discuss it in depth.