Meeting Room Policy

The Wheaton Public Library (WPL) recognizes that community-based groups may have a need for meeting room accommodations. Making accommodations to local groups is an additional service which WPL may render under conditions set by the Library Board, including but not limited to:

  • WPL-sponsored or co-sponsored meetings, programs, and events take first priority in use of WPL’s meeting room facilities, as does City of Wheaton use.
  • Permission to use a meeting room does not constitute WPL sponsorship or endorsement of a group’s policies or beliefs, or an endorsement of viewpoints expressed by participants.
  • No advertisement or announcement implying such sponsorship or endorsement will be permitted.
  • All publicity must contain a disclaimer in the same font size as the meeting location stating the meeting or program is not sponsored by WPL.

Space, staff limitations, and WPL schedules require regulatory measures which may affect the use of the meeting rooms. The Library Board and/or the Library Director reserve the right to deny permission to use the meeting rooms for cause. WPL administrative staff is authorized to deny use of the meeting rooms at their sole discretion based on the anticipated availability of parking space at the requested
time or other factors which may impair the public’s access to library services.

If, on the advice of law enforcement officials, the Library Director or the Library Board determines that a reasonable possibility of a threat to the safety of library staff, library users or members of the public might occur, based on prior experience of the group or speaker at WPL or at other occasions where the group has held meetings which have been disruptive or had a potential for violence, the following will be required: payment, by cashier's check, for the estimated cost of any special security measures needed for the meeting, and a special event liability policy for $1,000,000 for injury or damage to property occurring at the meeting, program or event.

WPL reserves the right to modify this policy and to cancel any reservation due to unforeseen circumstances. WPL may also cancel a group’s reservation(s) if the meeting room policy is violated. All WPL policies must be followed while using WPL meeting rooms.

Permissible Groups 

The following groups may use a meeting room for cultural, civic and informal educational purposes:

  • Library-related Groups
  • Wheaton Governmental Groups
  • Not-for-profit Organizations/Corporations (as defined by 805 ILCS 105)
  • Non-business-related local clubs or organizations
  • Wheaton businesses holding non-commercial meetings

The person who reserves the meeting room must be registered as a WPL cardholder in good standing. This person is responsible for the room. The responsible member of the group must be present at WPL and provide their library card or ID before staff will open the meeting room to the group, and the responsible member of the group must be present throughout the scheduled meeting.

Reservations Will Not Be Taken For

  • Purely social functions
  • Meetings that cause excessive noise, or which use hazardous materials
  • Programs not suitable for WPL’s physical facilities, or which interfere with WPL’s normal operation
  • Programs or gatherings which present a potential danger to the participants, WPL staff, patrons, community, or WPL building and grounds

Availability, Capacity, Fees

  • Meeting rooms are available during regular library hours.
    • Meeting Room A is available Monday through Thursday
  • Meetings must end 15 minutes before the library closes.
  • Minimum capacity of each room is 10.
    • Meeting Room A, Lower Level, maximum capacity is 100
    • Meeting Room C, Lower Level, maximum capacity is 30
    • Meeting Room 2B, 2nd Floor, maximum capacity is 30
  • Charges will be assessed for any damage to WPL property.

Reservation Requirements

Room reservations will be granted no more than 3 months in advance and no less than 48 hours in advance, and will be considered on a first come-first served basis. No more than 12 reservations may be made in one year.

Making a Reservation

  • To reserve Meeting Rooms 2B or C, complete the online reservation form on our website which will be reviewed by WPL staff.
  • To reserve Meeting Room A, send an email request to and include the number of people in your group.
  • The person making the reservation must be at least 18 years old and have a WPL card in good standing. This person is responsible for the group’s use of the meeting room.
  • Applicants will receive an email advising if the application has been approved or denied.

Room Setups

  • Meeting Room furniture must be rearranged back to the original setup.
  • Equipment in each room includes
    • Tables and chairs
    • Cart with TV, computer and DVD player
    • Whiteboard
    • Podium
  • Technology assistance is a courtesy and not guaranteed. Staff may be able to assist in a limited capacity as time allows.


In the interest of protecting WPL facilities, groups or organizations may NOT:

  • Use the name or address of WPL as the official address or headquarters of the organization
  • Use the telephone number of WPL as the point of contact for information about the meeting
  • Attach anything to the walls or furnishings

    Serve alcoholic beverages
  • Levy admission charges or take up a collection
  • Solicit or fundraise within WPL. Exceptions are allowed for Library-sponsored events. Sales of items will be permitted only if appropriate and with prior written permission.
  • Post signs or posters pertaining to a non-Library sponsored program on WPL property


Adopted April 16, 2007

Revised 7/09; 12/10; 11/13; 11/15; 11/21; 12/21; 1/25

Policy Document
Download Policy