Memories of Wheaton Public Library

In 1998, I left my home in Greece and moved to Wheaton, IL. One of the first places I visited was the Wheaton Public Library. I was trying to learn English and wanted to check out books on American idioms and short stories. I remember how kind the librarians were while helping me find books and I thought to myself that this would be a great place to work.

Two years later in 2000, I began working at the circulation desk and it was one of the best decisions I have made. I am so privileged to still be working here more than
2 decades later. - Donika

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In the 70s and 80s, the library was one of my family's favorite places to visit. In every season, there was something to explore within its walls, from story times to computer times to research projects. It is now a favorite of my grandchildren. To this day, there is a warm welcoming feeling when you enter its doors. Thank you to all who have made our library such a wonderful facility for generations. - Katie

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My favorite memory is going there for Battle of the Books competitions.
4th/5th grade, 1994-1996. - Ashley

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First, here is something I heard from someone maybe about 1970 or so. A couple was thinking of moving from Wheaton to a town in Arizona after they retired. They went on a visit to the town during which they discovered the library was very inadequate. Realizing how important a library was to them, and realizing that the Wheaton Public Library was so good at meeting their needs, they decided to stay in Wheaton.

Second, I too have found the library to be very good at meeting my needs -- from the sepia-print soft-back photo books of children from around the world that I delighted in as a child to the microfilm archives of local newspapers in which I found the obituary of a grade school classmate who had died as a rescue helicopter pilot in Vietnam.

The Wheaton Public Library is a jewel. - Margaret

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When I moved to Wheaton in 2021, the first item on my to-do list was getting my library card at WPL. And I have been coming to the library every day since- picking up a book I have on hold, grabbing a cappuccino in the cafe, or hugging the nearest bookshelf!

One of my dearest memories each year is volunteering at the annual Holiday Book and Art Sale. It helps me ring in the holiday season, and I end up buying more books than I donated to sell! - Julia

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When I was in high school in Batavia, our English teacher brought us to the Wheaton Library for a field trip to work on our research paper because of the excellent resources! This was in 1992 or 1993! - Colleen

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It was November 6th 2012. I was 37 weeks pregnant and had a 4-year-old. I loved bringing him to the kid's section because he always played with the train table and blocks, plus I was able to sit in a comfortable chair. I had been in fake labor for weeks so it was no surprise I was having contractions.

I didn't think they were real. Until they started getting stronger and closer together and I guess I was making some noises as my hand gripped the chair. A bunch of concerned mothers were staring at me but I promised them this wasn't the real deal. Reader: it WAS the real deal and my daughter was born 7 hours later. - Samantha

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I have this memory of being in a place like church; reverent, quiet, filled with people. And murals on the walls. I loved being there. And the books were omnipresent - as was the card catalogue. While the ambiance of the library has changed dramatically, the love for books has not. Thank you WPL! - Jacki

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Both my children took their first step at the library. This would have been in 2014 and 2017, respectively. But we have been coming since we could take them out, and attending story times, events, and just coming for fun.

Even today, they still enjoy the library and it is our default place to go when we need something to do. Summer and winter reading are annual highlights for us, and we have found so many meaningful books and gotten much enjoyment out of the library over the years.

Looking forward to many more years at the library. - David

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My favorite memories are of the amazing story time teachers from 2003-2012.

These fabulous Fairy Godmothers have been such a positive influence in our lives and helped to foster a love of reading in both children. I always joke that the librarians raised my children. Thank you so much! - Robyn

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When I first started using WPL in 1984, I was looking for a book in French.  When the library didn't have what I was looking for, one of the librarians offered to loan me her personal copy.  The WPL staff are great! - Dawn

I got a job in the children's department in the fall of 1978, when I was in high school, and worked there until after I was married.  I still have dreams about working there! I loved it, and eventually was in charge of the children's art displays, and the summer reading program. - Paula

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Wheaton Public Library was my library growing up and my very first job at 15 years old. I never left. I've spent my library career in the Youth Services Department and am honored to have watched so many children grow up and fall in love with books. The library was also the place I fell in love. I met my husband, a librarian, at the library and the rest is history. - Rachel

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From 1994 to 2006 when my kids were little they scooped up every board book they could to bring home. Hundreds of kids books spent time in our house and the love of reading was born. Happy 100 to our amazing public library staff and leaders who keep books alive and well on the shelves. - Erica

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My kids loved that they could pick out their own books.  My 5 year old wanted ALL of the Halloween books on the shelf … in February!  The librarian smiled and complemented her on her great book choices. - Lori

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The very first time one of my best friends and I spent time together was walking around together around downtown Wheaton. On our way back, we stopped at the public library, and it was the best way to end our outing! Now it’s our tradition to go to the library together almost every Friday. :) - Evangeline

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I remember how excited my kids were when it was their turn to exhibit their collections in the Youth Services display cases. My daughter showed her collection of shells and my son showed his collection of lighthouses. They both let everyone know their collections were on display for the month at the library and they should go and see them! That was over 20 years ago. Every time I pass through the Youth Services Department, I make sure I look at the collections on display for the month. So happy this still continues! - Debbie

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We had so much fun at the kids concert on the lawn last fall. It’s a memory I will cherish for a long time! - Hannah

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I grew up just blocks from Wheaton Public Library. In the late 1960s, I attended storytime, carefully printing my name on an owl-shaped construction paper tag.  When my family adopted a cat, a librarian steered me to April’s Kittens by Clare Turley Newberry, a childhood favorite. 

In grade school, my mom planned a birthday party around Rebecca Caudill’s The Best Loved Doll, another treasured story discovered at the library. WPL staff helped me decode the thick green volumes of the 80s era Readers Guide to Periodical Literature and pulled countless articles for my high school research papers.

During my early career, I was inspired by old Katherine Hepburn movies, rewinding the VHS tapes before returning them in the drop box on the way to the train station. Now, decades since I first entered the doors holding my mother’s hand, I borrow cozy mysteries for her from the Large Print collection. It is my pleasure and privilege to work at Wheaton Public Library, my lifelong happy place! - Bari

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Summer Reading Program 2019
Ice Cream Social (Sat, June 8th)
I brought my niece & nephew.  It was so much fun!  We enjoyed the live music, free ice cream, fun activities (like hula hooping), and the bubble truck. - Brooke


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I used to come to this library when I was a kid, especially around 2003-2007.

I remember grabbing armfuls of Junie B. Jones and Amelia's Notebooks and reading them on the big foam books and pencils in the Children's section! - Steph

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Best Wheaton Library Memory Ever: July 13, 2020. Day library officially reopened after Covid.

Second Best: February 16, 2020. Randomly following music into a crowded meeting room and seeing John Primer on the stage. - Susan

I have worked here for 5 years. One day I asked my boss to sing me a little song and she did. I don't think any of my old bosses from before WPL would have done that. Thanks, WPL! - Veronica